100+ Free Online Websites to Learn to Code for Beginners
In this massive guide you will find 100+ online resources for learning to code for free! We’ve broken them down by type as well as technology (JavaScript, Python, and Machine Learning to name a few), plus we’ve included some handy tips on how to approach learning to code and adopting a developer’s mindset.

Do you want to learn to code but are not ready to commit to paid coding classes? If you think computer science and learning to code might be your jam, but aren’t ready to spend money on learning the skills, this is the roundup for you!
When you’re ready to master professional level coding skills, you’ll need to dive into a more in-depth coding education. But for now, you can explore the basics, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MUCH MORE for free.
Learn to code FOR FREE? 🤑
Yep. Better yet: you can learn to code for free online, meaning, from the comfort of your own couch, at your own pace.
After 2020’s worldwide pandemic, learning to code online advanced significantly. Many traditional, in-person bootcamps weren’t an option, but so many people took the plunge anyway — learning new coding skills and programming languages so that they could make a career change in the midst of a global crisis. And you can too.
Below you’ll find 100+ online coding classes and resources for every learning style, commitment level, skill level, and career goal. Take your pick, and you’ll learn to code in no time.
Table of Contents
- General Coding Classes and Programs
- College and University Courses
- HTML and CSS
- Command Line
- Version Control
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
- Python
- Data Science
- Ruby and Ruby on Rails
- WordPress
- Mobile App Development
- User Experience
- Aritficial Intelligence & Machine Learning
The Best Free Online Coding Classes and Programs to Learn to Code for Free
Everyone wants to be a coder. Or at least that’s what the data says. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report estimated that 97 million new roles may be created by technological development globally by the year 2024. That said, you have a place in tech, whether that’s back-end development, front-end development, full stack, or other! Here are the best free coding courses and resources for complete beginners to get started. No free trial or prior knowledge needed!
1. Codecademy
Codecademy is an online learning platform that offers free coding classes in programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, HTML, and CSS.
Start with these free programming classes:
- Introduction to HTML
- Make a Website (this coding class teaches you both HTML and CSS, plus you’ll have a tangible work example at the end)
2. freeCodeCamp
freeCodeCamp is a non-profit that offers free online coding classes and certifications in specialties such as responsive web design, data visualization, machine learning and more. It advertises itself as “dedicated to teaching the world how to code for free.” Be sure to check out their forums and peruse their curriculum — there are over 30,000 hours of free content.
If you’ve fallen in love with code or are interested in getting into data science, freeCodeCamp has more advanced courses like:
- Data Analysis with Python Certification
- Data Visualization Certification
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Machine Learning with Python Certification
- Scientific Computing with Python Certification
These courses come with certifications and will take about 300 hours to complete, but they are completely free.
3. Skillcrush’s Coding Camp
Skillcrush’s Free Coding Camp is our totally online, beginner-friendly, fun, and campy intro to tech and kick-ass digital careers. You’ll learn how to code in the simplest terms possible — and even get to try writing your own code! — so you can see if learning coding is the right move for you. At Camp Skillcrush, you’ll learn to code with HTML and CSS and learn the basics of UX design, in less than five minutes a day.
Visit Skillcrush’s Free Coding Camp
4. Web Fundamentals by Google
Web Fundamentals is a Google project to provide free, open source, online coding lessons and tutorials to the masses.
Try these tech and coding tutorials:
- UX basics
- Accessibility (essential in web development and web design)
- Responsive web design basics
5. w3schools
w3schools is a free online learning platform dedicated to coding and web development. Of this list, this coding resource has been around maybe the longest so yes, they know exactly how to teach you to code.
Start with these free w3schools courses:
- JavaScript
6. Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational platform dedicated to providing FREE online educational tools. That includes a robust selection of free coding classes.
Free coding classes at Khan Academy include:
- A beginner HTML and CSS course that will get you started learning to code ASAP
- A great intro to JavaScript course
7. Udemy
Udemy bills itself as an online learning marketplace, hosting 130,000+ user-created courses on all kinds of topics (including over 2,000 coding-related classes) for many skill levels. While some of Udemy’s offerings are paid (costing $20-$200 per course), there are plenty of free coding classes as well, including some shorter Tech 101-type courses that teach code for beginners.
Start with these free coding classes:
- HTML and CSS Essentials
- Learn to Program in JavaScript (From Beginner to Pro)
- Code Your First Game in JavaScript (We thought this looked super fun.)
8. Code.org
Code.org is a non-profit website dedicated to encouraging all people (but with a focus on school-aged students) to learn to code online. Don’t let that put you off though: we’re all coding beginners after all.
FYI: There’s a section for beyond K-12 coding lessons with resources for where to find free courses for JavaScript and Python, including how to query and manage data.
9. Codewars
Codewars adds some quirk to the proceedings by offering free coding classes with a martial arts theme. Solving specific coding “katas” (a term for training exercises in karate) will earn you ranks and honors as you move your way to becoming a bonafide coder. Who said learning to code online couldn’t be fun? Codewars also offers one of the more diverse lists of programming languages.
Choose free computer programming courses for:
- Python
- Ruby
- JavaScript
Plus lots more—meaning you can decide what to prioritize when learning how to code.
10. GA Dash
GA Dash is the free arm of the paid coding school General Assembly. This free course teaches the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a user-friendly and interactive way with the same level of quality as other paid GA classes. Think of it sort of like a $0 coding bootcamp. It will absolutely get you started learning to code for free.
11. codeconquest
codeconquest is a full-service, free learn-to-code platform offering onsite tutorials and reviews of premium coding sites. More text-heavy than some of the other great resources on our list—but some people learn best by reading!
Try free coding tutorials for:
- Ruby
- jQuery
12. Udacity
Udacity is an online coding school with a mix of free and paid classes (around 200 of their coding classes — what they call “nanodegrees” — are free).
Try these free coding classes before diving into a full course:
- Intro to Programming (This free coding class includes lessons on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.)
- Version Control with Git (This free Git class takes about four weeks to complete and Udacity says it translates easily into their React program—or, if you like a real-talk vibe, add on our React course when you sign up for our Front End Developer course!)
- Intro to HTML and CSS (This free coding class is exactly what it sounds like—the ideal starting point for total coding beginners.)
13. Tuts+
Tuts+ is an online tutorial library featuring over 20,000 free tutorials (thousands of those dedicated to coding and tech topics). Free tutorial topics range from Modern JavaScript Fundamentals to how to build a CMS with Laravel, among many others.
Try these tutorials to learn how to code:
- WordPress tutorials
- JavaScript tutorials
- Mobile development tutorials
- UI design tutorials
- CSS tutorials
14. The Odin Project
The Odin Project is a coding resource for absolute beginners that offers a free, open source curriculum. An ideal option for anyone wanting to learn coding online. The Odin Project has a full stack Ruby course and a full stack JavaScript course, in addition to an introduction to frameworks.
Beginner’s Tips for Learning How to Code & Adopting a Developer’s Mindset
We have A LOT of exciting and free coding classes, but before you jump in willy-nilly, you need to learn // how to learn // how to code. It’s a tongue twister, but think of it this way:
Learn to code and being a programmer is less about your raw skill and more about your mindset. Trust us. If you want a high-paying, successful career in tech you need to play the long game. Consider a few of Skillcrush CEO Adda Birnir’s beginner tips for adopting a developer’s mindset.
15. Code Avengers
Code Avengers…ASSEMBLE! Ok, I’ll stop. But really, Code Avengers is an online platform with a mix of free coding classes and premium courses.
16. Sololearn
SoloLearn is an online and mobile learning platform with free coding classes in 13 different programming disciplines.
17. Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean has free React, JavaScript, and Vue tutorials for beginners looking for an introduction to JavaScript and its frameworks.
18. Upskill
Upskill is a site that offers a library of coding classes, and their Essential Web Development Course is free forever, with email signup, and includes lessons on full-stack web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails.
19. Hackr.io
Hackr.io is a site that compiles lists of the favorite programming courses and tutorials from across the web. Use their search engine and upvoting system to find courses on everything from jQuery to Angular to Java to C#.
20. Coderbyte
Coderbyte is a site for developers that provides short starter courses in different technologies, plus a library of code challenges to help you prepare for technical interviews.
21. Microsoft Virtual Academy
Microsoft Virtual Academy is a free resource for learning to use tools like Azure and .NET. They offer certifications and customized learning paths based on the tech job roles you’re interested in.
Visit Microsoft Virtual Academy
22. Edabit
Edabit has a unique approach compared to other code schools. They’re kind of like the DuoLingo of tech skills. Instead of just reading and watching tutorials, you learn to code by…coding! Their JavaScript tutorial is totally free.
23. LaunchSchool’s Open Book Shelf
LaunchSchool is an online software development education platform. Their Open Book Shelf includes free access to the books written to support their courses. While some may be tough to use without enrolling in classes or having some prior knowledge, others are helpful tutorials for beginners.
24. MDN Web Docs
MDN Web Docs, previously known as the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), is a powerhouse learning platform for developers that’s been around since 2005. Search the site for answers to your web development questions, or check out their Tutorials page for links to walk-throughs.
Visit Mozilla Developer Network’s Tutorials
25. After Hours Programming
After Hours Programming is a free resource with modules on everything from HTML & CSS to mySQL, Graphic Design, Usability, SEO, and more. This platform is all about giving you a broader view of how web development work fits into the larger business of programming for sites like Amazon, Google, and Walmart.
26. Rithm School
Rithm School is a full-time coding education platform, but they have a searchable library of free courses available online.
Learn to Code for Free Via Colleges and Universities
Do you want the college experience without actually going to college? We got you! Fuel your desire to be a lifelong learner with the following in-demand, self-taught coding resources.
27. Coursera
Coursera is an online learning platform that hosts content from top universities, including over 100 coding classes. If you’re ready to learn how to code, you could do worse than start here. Coursera’s classes are free to audit.
Start with this free coding course: Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (From Duke University!)
28. EdX
EdX is another university-backed online learning platform with content from schools like Harvard and MIT. Like Coursera, many of EdX’s classes are free to audit, including classes on different programming languages, as well as some basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript options.
Start with these online coding classes:
- Creative Coding from NYU “will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of object oriented programming, using code as a method for self-expression in a variety of media, such as 2D graphics, animation, image, and video processing.”)
- HTML Coding Essentials (from the coding class masters at W3C)
29. MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare is part of an MIT initiative to publish ALL of the educational materials from its courses online for free. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not! Aaaaand, that includes plenty of intro to programming and other tech and coding for beginners type classes.
Start with these coding classes if you want to get more specific:
- Introduction to Programming in Python
- Introduction to C and C++
- Programming for the Puzzled. This course “builds a bridge between the recreational world of algorithmic puzzles (puzzles that can be solved by algorithms) and the pragmatic world of computer programming, teaching students to program while solving puzzles.”
Learn HTML and CSS with These Free Online Coding Classes and Tutorials
HTML and CSS are two of the most fundamental skills you’ll need to pick up if you want to work in tech. They may be some of the simplest things to pick up when you start learning to code, but they’re still valuable. In just weeks or days, you can start building projects and even making money using just HTML and CSS.
30. MarkSheet
MarkSheet is a free HTML & CSS tutorial, with dozens of lessons covering HTML5, CSS3, and bonus material on Sass to take your sites to the next level.
31. HTML.com
HTML.com hosts a free HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. If you’re ready to learn how to code for free, you could do worse than start with something this straightforward.
32. Learn-HTML.org
Get your free, interactive HTML tutorial at Learn-HTML.org.
33. HTML Dog
HTML Dog hosts free HTML tutorials, along with examples of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at work, plus techniques commonly used to build websites.
34. Codecademy Introduction to HTML
Codecademy has free courses on all things, well, coding — so of course they have an intro to HTML. The ideal starting point when you’re just starting to learn how to code.
Visit Codecademy’s HTML course
35. Codecademy Learn CSS
You know Codecademy’s not going to leave you hanging with one of tech’s most fundamental coding skills, right? They also have a free guide to CSS.
Additional HTML & CSS Tutorials
36. w3schools HTML Tutorial
w3schools offers a free HTML tutorial, which is ideal for anyone wondering how to learn coding and overwhelmed with the idea of starting. Consider this your step one.
37. codeconquest Free HTML Tutorial
Conquer the most fundamental of all coding skills (HTML) with a codeconquest tutorial.
If you want to learn to code online truly, really, you’re going to need to learn CSS eventually. So why not rip the BandAid off?
38. w3schools CSS Tutorial
The line of w3schools tutorials continues with this entry on CSS.
39. CSStutorial.net
CSStutorial.net is a site dedicated to walking you through CSS basics step-by-step.
40. Codeconquest Free CSS Tutorial
Codeconquest returns with a tutorial to help you learn HTML’s sister language, CSS. If you want to learn coding, that includes learning how to style said code. This isn’t a bad place to start.
41. HTML Dog CSS Tutorials
Remember HTML Dog? They do CSS too. 🙂
42. Udemy HTML and CSS Basics Course 2023
This dual HTML/CSS class is free over at Udemy, and is a great crash course in web development basics.
Learn Command Line for Free
If you want to work as a programmer, you need to learn more than the coding languages you choose to specialize in. There are dozens of important industry tools you need to understand how to use.
For starters: the command line. The command line is a way to “speak” directly to the computer using lines of text in a code editor without a GUI (graphical user interface). Read PCMag’s definition for more. These tools can help you learn to use the command line:
43. Django Girls Introduction to the Command-Line Interface
Django Girls is an org that puts together free one-day coding workshops on Python and Django. Their free command line tutorial can get you up and running with command line on Windows, OS X, and Linux, plus there’s an accompanying YouTube video tutorials for the lesson.
Visit Django Girl’s Command Line Tutorial
44. Command Line Power User
Once you’ve learned the basics of the command line, you can get more efficient with this free tutorial for developers.
Learn Version Control for Free
What the heck is version control? To put it simply, version control is a system for collaborating on code. When using version control, multiple developers can pull, edit, and add code to a shared repository. It makes it easy to tell who’s working on what, identify broken code, and roll back changes. These tools can help you learn one of the most common version control systems out there: Git and GitHub.
45. Git Immersion
Git Immersion is a free walk-through that covers all the fundamentals of using Git, from installing it to choosing graphical clients to make it easier to use.
46. Try Git
Try Git has resources for getting comfy with Git and GitHub. Try their handbook and cheat sheets, or use their tutorials.
47. GitHub Learning Lab
GitHub Learning Lab is packed with lessons created by the GitHub community covering everything from getting started with GitHub, learning Markdown, creating GitHub pages, uploading a project to GitHub, and more.
Learn JavaScript for Free with These Online Courses and Tutorials
Why should you learn JavaScript? Well, it’s one of the most popular programming languages out there, and it’s a critical skill to have if you want to work as a front end developer (hint: we recommend many career changers aim for a front end role!).
48. LearnJS
Learn-JS.org hosts a series of JavaScript tutorials for complete newcomers and experienced programmers alike.
49. MDN JavaScript
MDN (the people behind the Firefox web browser) host this free JavaScript tutorial section as part of their Web Docs series.
Visit the Mozilla Developer Network’s JavaScript tutorials
50. Nodeschool.io
Nodeschool.io is a platform with open source workshops on Node.js that you can do online all on your own. Start with the basics and try their core workshops.
51. JavaScript.com
On JavaScript.com, you can jump right into a free, personalized (!) tutorial and be up and running with the basics of JS before you know it.
52. JavaScript for Cats
Are you a cat lover who wants to learn how to code with JavaScript? BOOM, you’ve found your go-to free resource. JavaScript for Cats is a whimsical (but effective) JavaScript tutorial written from a cat’s point of view.
53. Microsoft Channel 9: JavaScript Fundamentals and Development for Absolute Beginners
Microsoft’s Channel 9 is a community site that hosts video-based discussions, podcasts, aaaand this free course for JavaScript beginners.
Additional JavaScript Courses & Tutorials
54. Eloquent JavaScript
Eloquent JavaScript is a JavaScript textbook that goes beyond the “cut and paste” formula of some online tutorials and adds style and substance to its instruction and examples. You can read the book digitally for free.
55. Codecademy Introduction to JavaScript
Oh, you didn’t know? Codecademy has a free intro to JavaScript course, because…well, Codecademy!
56. w3schools JavaScript Tutorial
w3schools remains all up in the free coding tutorial mix with this JavaScript tutorial.
57. Sololearn JavaScript Tutorial
If you haven’t found a JavaScript class or tutorial that looks good to you yet, try a highly structured offering from Sololearn.
58. JavaScript Essentials (Udemy)
Finally, Udemy comes through in the clutch with this free JavaScript Essentials course.
Learn JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks for Free with These Online Courses and Tutorials
If you found JavaScript to be a big time investment, don’t fear! It can only get easier to work with JavaScript once you learn JavaScript’s frameworks and libraries. When you invest time in learning JavaScript frameworks and libraries, you can write your code and build more complex projects at a much faster pace.
59. jQuery.com
jQuery is still a stalwart in the JavaScript world, and you can learn all about it from the tutorials at the official jQuery site.
60. VueJS.org
 Up your knowledge of the popular Vue framework straight from these tutorials at the VueJS.org website.
61. Scrimba Learn React for Free
Scrimba.com’s Learn React for Free course is a collection of 48 interactive screencasts dedicated to React JS.
62. Thinkster.io: A Better Way to Learn Angular
Ready to dip your toe into the widely used JavaScript framework that is Angular? Run (don’t walk) to this guide from Thinkster.io.
63. Codecademy Learn React JS
Oh, hai Codecademy! What’s that? You have a free tutorial for React JS? Aww, of COURSE you do!
Learn Python with These Free Online Courses and Tutorials
The list of programming languages not endless, but if you want to work in game development or become a software engineer one day, you should probably add python to your skillset. Check out our favorite game-based, hands-on, and easy-to-follow python resources.
64. Learnpython.org
You want to learn Python basics for free? You go to Learnpython.org. It’s as simple (or, I guess, BASIC) as that.
65. Python-Guide.Org: Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
Psst! Did you know Python is actually named in honor of MONTY Python? Well if you don’t know, now you know, and what better way to honor Python’s namesake than to learn from a guide named after the Monty Python-adjacent Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Python-guide.org has your Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python right here!
66. Real Python: Learn Python Programming By Example
Do you really want to learn Python? For real? Then check out Real Python’s example-based tutorial.
Additional Python Classes & Tutorials
67. Byte of Python
A Byte of Python is a free book (totally online) on Python for beginners. According to their site, “If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you.”
68. The Python Foundation: Beginner’s Guide
OR you can go directly to the source! The Python Foundation’s official website hosts free tutorials tailored for both programming newcomers and Python newcomers with programming experience.
69. Google’s Python Class
I mean, when you think of tech and websites, you almost automatically think of Google, right? And here they are offering a free Python class. Probably a pretttty good place to pick up some pointers.
70. Codecademy Learn Python
Whoah, whoah, whoah…you mean to tell me that Codecademy has a project-based Python class?? But of course they do!
71. w3schools Python Tutorial
And, never fear, if you’re more of a w3schools person, they have one too!
✨Bonus✨ Python Guide
Skillcrush offers a Python course! While it’s not free, we do have some great in-depth resources to get you started including this in-depth guide on how to learn Python.
Learn Data Science with These Free Online Courses and Tutorials
You do not need a computer science degree for some tech position like web developer and web designer. In the same vein, you do not need a data science degree to get your foot in the door. Sometimes, all you need is a solid coding bootcamp education. Check out the following free resources to start your data science education.
72. Springboard
Springboard offers a variety of online courses on learning data analysis, data science, and engineering.
Start with Springboard’s free data science courses:
73. Elite Data Science
Elite Data Science specializes in helping students start new jobs in data. The Elite Data Science introductory crash course is totally free.
Learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails for Free with These Online Courses and Tutorials
Who’s Ruby? And what does she have to do with this free coding guide?! Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework used in tech. And while we’d love to explain the nuances here, we have even more free computer programming courses perfect for beginners like yourself. Check them out!
74. Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development With Rails
If you’re a book learner, you’ll appreciate this free, digital version of Ruby on Rails Tutorial—Learn Web Development With Rails by Michael Hartl.
75. Learn Ruby the Hard Way
Learn Ruby the Hard Way is a free book (totally online) that covers what it calls the three most essential skills for beginners in programming: “reading and writing, attention to detail, and spotting differences.”
76. Ruby Koans
Do the deepening, enigmatic nature of Zen koans appeal to you? Can you picture yourself learning to code with Ruby using the same kind of format? Well hey, check out Ruby Koans!
Additional Ruby and Rails Classes and Tutorials
77. learnrubyonline.org
Do you want to learn Ruby online? You go to learnrubyonline.org. Case closed.
78. Codecademy Learn Ruby on Rails
You could do a LOT worse than going to Codecademy for your first intro to Rails. In fact, it’s a top choice.
79. Rails Girls
Rails Girls is an awesome organization of female Rails users dedicated to spreading the Rails love. And they’re doing that here with their free Rails guides. Bonus: the guides are available in 10 languages.
80. w3resource Ruby Tutorial
No, not w3schools, this is w3resource, coming out of nowhere to school you on Ruby. For free.
81. tutorialspoint.com Ruby on Rails Tutorial
What do we want? RUBY ON RAILS TUTORIALS! Where do we find them? Well, tutorialspoint.com has one right here.
82. Learn Ruby on Rails From Scratch (Udemy)
Starting with Rails from nothing? Like, literally from scratch? Try this free class from Udemy: Real-life Ruby on Rails App From Scratch.
✨Bonus✨ Ruby on Rails Guide
Not sure what Ruby on Rails is, let alone whether it’s right for you? We wrote this handy beginner’s guide to Ruby on Rails that’s perfect for you.
Learn PHP for Free Online with These Courses and Tutorials
If you’re scratching your head with utter confusion of PHP, you’re in the right place. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and it’s an open source scripting language. Still a little fuzzy? Check out the following free computer programming courses and resources.
83. PHP The Right Way
So there’s two ways you can learn PHP: the right way, or the wrong way. Um, I’m guessing you want to learn it the right way, though? Right? Then head over to PHP The Right Way for their free tutorials.
84. Killer PHP
Want to learn PHP but worried you have to be a techie or a “nerd” to do it? Then allow me to introduce you to Killer PHP! They’ve been offering free PHP lessons to “non-nerds” for ten years now, making them what Guy Fieri is to restaurants.
Additional PHP Classes & Tutorials
85. learn-php.org
If you’ve gotten this far down the list, you’ve noticed that every coding language has at least one or two tutorial sites totally dedicated to learning it. PHP is no different, and learn-php.org is no joke!
86. PHPBuddy.com
When you’re learning a new skill, a support system is key. And what’s more supportive than a buddy?? In this case, a PHPBuddy!
87. Adam Khoury’s Video Tutorials
PHP is a developer’s friend, particularly if you are working with WordPress and WordPress plugins, so add it to your own developer toolkit by checking out the tutorials on Adam Khoury’s Video Tutorials.
88. Codecademy Learn PHP
Well, I guess we can move on. Nothing else to see here as far as PHP resources. Haha, kidding. Codecademy has a free PHP course.
89. w3schools PHP Tutorial
Aaand, rounding things out for PHP is w3schools (or, as we like to affectionately call them, “Good Old Trusty”) with a free PHP tutorial.
Learn WordPress for Free with These Online Courses and Tutorials
We want to let you in on a little secret! About 810 MILLION websites on the internet use WordPress. That’s 43% of ALL websites which outpaces drag-and-drop website builders like AccShopify and Squarespace. With a stat like that you need to learn WordPress if you’re considering entering tech. Not to worry, though. The following free WordPress courses and tutorials are just what a beginner needs to jumpstart their WordPress career.
90. WordPress.com Learn
Looking to level up your basic WordPress skills? You go straight to the source and get pointers from the WordPress team with these tutorials.
If you’re a true WordPress beginner start with:
- Create Your Site
- Intro to Blogging
- Intro to SEO
91. WordPress.tv
WordPress.tv is a hub where you can find videos of WordCamp talks, and more.
Additional WordPress Classes & Tutorials
92. Smashing Magazine: Beginner’s Guide to Creating a WordPress Website
Smashing Magazine is the home to a lot of great pointers and tutorials, their Beginner’s WordPress Guide being one of them.
93. wpbeginner.com
The wpbeginner website hosts a…wait for it…Beginner’s Guide to WordPress on their site! This guide is designed to be able to teach you WordPress basics for free in a week or less.
94. WPMU DEV Your Startup Guide to SEO: A WordPress SEO Tutorial
WordPress knowledge site WPMU DEV offers this unique WordPress guide — it’s specifically a dive into how to configure a WordPress site for SEO.
Learn Mobile App Development for Free Online with These Courses and Tutorials
We are confident in guessing that there’s a significant chance you’re reading this guide on your mobile device. If you are then you know exactly how important mobile design and mobile app development is. Be a part of the mobile movement — even if you’re a beginner — and learn mobile app development for free with these in-browser coding courses.
95. Android Documentation for App Developers
If you’re planning on developing mobile apps for Android, it’s important to get acquainted with best practices directly from Google itself. And you can do that with the Android team’s Documentation for App Developers.
Visit Android Developer Guides
96. Apple: Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)
If iPad and iPhone apps are more your jam (or you just want to learn about those, too), check out Apple’s tutorials and documentation here.
Additional Android & Swift Classes & Tutorials
97. Google Android Training
Looking for more training straight from Google? Learn Android development from the folks who built it: Training for Android and web developers.
98. Android Developer Training for New Programmers
Aaand, if you’re completely new to programming and you want to learn about developing Android apps, start here!
99. Apple Swift Playgrounds
Website documentation feel too dry? Then download Apple’s Swift Playgrounds app, a gamified, app-based way to learn about building iOS apps.
100. Line25: Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5
Want to get a third party look at what building an iOS app is all about? Try Line25’s free guide to building an iPhone application with HTML5.
Learn UX for Free Online with These Courses and Tutorials
User experience (UX) makes the world go around. 🌎 Okay, maybe not, but UX is a vital component to web design. Looking to dive straight into UX, or user experience? Start here:
101. The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction
The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction is just what it sounds like! Sorta. It’s a compilation of textbooks thousands of pages long covering everything from websites and smartphones to household objects.
Visit The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction
102. UXPin: Free UX Ebooks
Similar to the encyclopedia above, UXPin offers a compendium of UX-related books on topics like prototyping, wireframing, mockups, and more.
Free Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Resources
Artificial Intelligence is taking over the tech industry. But don’t be scared! Artificial Intelligence is super powerful and you can learn the basics with the following free coding courses. And if you really love the science and math behind machine learning, consider jumpstarting your machine learning career.
103. AI for Everyone from DeepLearning.Ai
This free, non-technical course is taught by Andrew Ng, former Stanford Computer Science professor and leader in both the online education (he co-founded Coursera) and the AI movement. The course is designed “for everyone” and will give you a broad understanding of common AI terms and gain a realistic understanding of what AI can and can’t do.
104. Google AI
Get Google’s free training on machine learning. Even if you’re a total tech beginner, you can start getting up to speed. Google AI sorts free tutorials, guides, and more by skill level.
Start with the following Google AI courses:
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs
105. Machine Learning Mastery
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